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In clear and concise language and drawings, these booklets describe the common species the reader is likely to come across in Southwestern terrain.

A forked tongue... no voice... eyes that never close... dry scaly skin and long limbless bodies that appear to ooze across the ground often under the cover of the night.

Rattlesnake, coralsnake, scorpion, and spider!

Lizards of the Southwest makes identification a snap: find your lizard, match it up with one of the photographs in the guide and you have it!

Reptiles and Amphibians Includes full-color illustrations, up-to-date range maps, and a host of fascinating facts about these interesting and unusual animals.

Offers a concise system for identification, illustrated with precise line drawings, for both beginning and advanced levels.

The fun question and answer format of this book covers the most frequent questions that people have about rattlesnakes; includes color photos and recommended reading list.

Snakes of Southern California: This fact-filled identification guide is an excellent resource for all outdoor and nature enthusiasts.

Get to know the Mojave Desert Tortoise, a threatened species, through photographs and captions by students in the Tortoises Through the Lens program.